Thunder Hill follows a minimalistic approach to Landscape design…

easing one’s ‘taking it in’ / remembrance of it – a bold and simple expression,

one that is kept in the mind’s eye of passersby ‘at-a-glance’ because of its spare sculptural forms, repetition or restful negative space.

I approach landscape design as art – with passion and an insatiable obsession with practical, function-driven outdoor living spaces and plantings that are created with a critical eye as art installations or environmental poetry.


My training and experience has been in the fine and applied arts – I employ as well an intuitive strength for the composition - and reduction – of elements; this minimalism results in the clarity that I strive for in a landscape that is to offer a sense of calm and order to those viewing or within the space.


About Thunder Hill



Color is used with restraint – or for greatest effect – again, selectively placed, as a painter might.


I’ve told my clients that sometimes the property designs itself! - being driven by it's 'limitations.'

My passion lies in creatively solving this ‘puzzle’ – fitting client’s wishes (pool or water feature, entry courts, walkways, entertainment or dining terraces…) into the property with given restrictions (nature and size of property, architectural style, town regulations…) in ways that turn limitations into opportunities for a unique element that otherwise may not have been born.


Whatever the size or nature of your property, it has the potential for a lovely room or two; Thunder Hill can incorporate your dreams into a workable plan. I belong to a respected network of home and property care professionals that will properly execute the vision with a shared pride.

Thunder Hill Landscape Architecture & Garden Design | Gail Bishop | Copyright 2010